Tow Truck Driver

    Personal Information

    Are you a United States citizen or legally authorized to work in the United States?

    Do you have a valid Driver’s license?

    Do you have experience driving a tow truck?

    Can you work 60 Hours a week including weekends?

    Have you ever been convicted with a felony?

    Did you ever had a license revoked or denied other than driver’s license?

    Do have a clean driving record?

    Do you speak a language other than English?

    Drug test is required upon start of employment and every quarter during employment period. Do you Feel comfortable with that?

    Please attach your CV Accepted file types .doc | .docx | .pdf

    Work Experience:

    Current/Most Recent Employer

    Recommendations available

    Previous Employer

    Recommendations available

    I represent that the above information, and any other information I may be required to provide, is complete and accurate and any misstatement or omission may result in rejection of my application or termination of employment.
    I authorize Direct Business Solutions to conduct, at its discretion an investigative consumer report concerning my character, general reputation, personal characteristics and mode of living.
    Upon written request, additional disclosure concerning the complete nature and scope of the investigation will be provided. If I am hired, in consideration for my employment, I agree to comply with the policies, procedures, guidelines and standards of conduct of Direct Business Solutions. This application was designed to comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, The Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as other applicable federal and state Fair Employment Practice Laws.
    Therefore, no question answered is or will be used to discriminate on the basis of race, colour, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.

    * Applications are effective for 14 days, after which you must reapply. This period may be extended if contacted and scheduled for an interview.